Environmental Justice

Project Overview

The Environmental Justice (also known as EJ) team works on creating a more sustainable UC Davis by reaching out to students on campus and asking them environmental questions. EJ's goal on campus is to address environmental justice needs of the community.

What is the EJ Team working on?

Environmental Justice Survey
  • Qualitative Research: During fall quarter 2021, EPPC commissioners tabled at the tabled at the MU to gauge student concerns about environmental justice and sustainability issues on campus and in their Davis Community.
    • The EJ team asked two questions to the UC Davis students:
      • What do you consider to be an environmental problem on campus?
      • What improvements would you make to your community (on or off campus)?
  • Quantitative research: The environmental justice team is currently creating an environmental survey using the qualitative research conducted in fall quarter. The survey aims to gain a deeper understanding of the environmental justice concerns UC Davis students experience. This will be the basis of future EPPC projects, educational outreach, and advocacy.
Future Projects
  • The EJ team is starting to explore the possibility of creating an environmental justice training or class requirement for all environmental science and policy majors.
The Environmental Justice Team is led by Nic Sardo.​​