Statement of Solidarity

In Solidarity

First, Black Lives Matter. When reflecting on the injustices that are present in the United States and around the world, EPPC’s mission to create a sustainable future for all has not been forgotten. To ensure this, we strive to amplify the voices that are too often ignored and respond effectively to the concerns of underrepresented communities. Therefore the sustainability of these communities is of the upmost importance: to leave BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ voices out of the discussions of environmentalism is an act of complacency under the racist systems responsible for their suffering. The Black Community has every right to be able to exist without the fears of pollution, policing, and the pandemic.

This past year has once again highlighted the harsh reality of this nation – that the Black Community is subject to institutionalized racism, systemic oppression, and police brutality. We are heartbroken and outraged by the deaths of Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and the countless others who have been targeted and killed because of the color of their skin. We as an Association, as an Institution, and as a Nation need to do better. We must fight against these injustices every day because Black Lives Matter. This time in history must be a turning point for existing governing systems and the policing of people and resources.

Our mission to create a sustainable future can only be accomplished by addressing the structural inequalities of governing institutions responsible for the inequity in BIPOC communities. Unequal access to natural resources, affordable housing, and clean air and drinking water continues to oppress minority groups today, and environmental justice must be placed at the core of environmental planning. Environmental planning must seek to dismantle the oppressive structures founded on systemic racism which cause immense suffering for BIPOC communities. Going forward as a commission, we hope to educate people about our society’s underlying colonial influences in environmental policy and planning, and the inequities that exist as a result.

EPPC stands in solidarity with BIPOC (should this paragraph address all BIPOC students who are facing immeasurable hardships during this time. All students should be aware of UC Davis’ mental health resources, including the 24/7 crisis helpline (1) and counseling (2) services. The National Resources List (3) provides resources for those looking to donate, sign petitions, and learn about the injustices endured by the Black Community for over 400 years. We encourage all members of the campus community who want to support the Black community to engage with the Education on Allyship to develop a greater understanding of the importance of unity and accountability of the systems in place.

In Solidarity,
The ASUCD Environmental Policy & Planning Commission

​1. Text "RELATE" 741741 | Call 530-756-5000 (Crisis helplines)
​2.1 Each Aggie Matters Counseling and Mental Health Services
2.2 UC Davis Community Advising Network
2.3 UC Davis Resources for Racial Trauma
3.0 National Resource List (Linktree)

UC Davis Resources for Ally Education
UC Davis Anti-Racism Syllabus
UC Davis: 11 Suggested Actions Toward Anti-Racism in the Office and on Your Own
UC Davis Response to Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping
UC Davis Principles of Community