UC Davis Environmental Campus and ASUCD Organizations
UC Davis Office of Sustainability
The UC Davis Office of Sustainability "develops, leads, and coordinates sustainability efforts throughout the UC Davis campus."
Instagram: @ucdavis.sustainability
Facebook: @UCDavis.Sustainability
Email: recycling@ucdavis.edu
ASUCD Campus Center for the Environment
The ASUCD Campus Center for the Environment "promotes student involvement in our campus sustainability efforts. CCE encourages environmental stewardship through workshops, open dialogue, and specific student led projects."
Instagram: @ucdcce
Facebook: @ucdcce
Email: cce@asucd.ucdavis.edu
Student Sustainability Career Fair
SSCF arranges, hosts, and facilitates a career fair once a quarter in the academic year with sustainable career paths and opportunities as its focus, and is working on virtual resources to share career opportunities and advice.
Instagram: @asucd.sscf
Email: sscf@asucd.ucdavis.edu
Aggie Reuse Store
The Aggie Reuse Store's mission is to "divert materials from landfill and redistribute them at low cost for reuse and repurposing" and sells "used or discarded items for a low cost to students and the community".
Instagram: @aggiereusestore
Facebook: @aggierestore
Email: aggiereuse@asucd.ucdavis.edu
ASUCD Experimental Community Garden
The ASUCD Experimental Community Garden is "an inclusive space for people to learn about sustainable gardening, enhance health and well-being, engage in experiential learning, connect with the community, and practice environmental stewardship."
Instagram: @asucdgardens
Facebook: @asucdgardens
Email: communitygarden@asucd.ucdavis.edu
Environmental Organizations and Clubs
Zero Waste & Sustainability Club
The Zero Waste & Sustainability Club "helps UCD reach the zero-waste by 2020 goal, focuses on bettering campus sustainability, and aims to make individuals more sustainable on and off campus."
Instagram: @zerowasteclubucd
Facebook: @ucdzerowasteclub
Email: zerowasteclubucd@gmail.com
Sunrise Movement Davis
Sunrise Movement Davis works "to make climate change an urgent priority across the United States, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and well-being of all people."
Instagram: @sunrisemvmtdavis
Facebook: @SunriseDavis
Email: sunrisemvmtdavis@gmail.com
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club "encourages interaction with the local environment through outdoor activities and community service projects" and connects and informs students with similar interests.
Instagram: @davis_environmental_club
Facebook: @environmentalclub.ucd
Email: annjones@ucdavis.edu
Sprout Up
Sprout Up teaches "children vital concepts in environmental science, sustainability, and the unique ecosystems that surrounds them" and encourages "kids to think in new ways about the world around them."
Instagram: @sproutup_davis
Facebook: @sproutupfb
Email: communityd@eeng.org
The Climate Reality Project Campus Corp at UC Davis
The Climate Reality Project Campus Corp at UC Davis is a chapter of the international Climate Reality Project, and "is urging action to stop climate change and create a healthy, prosperous future powered by clean energy."
Instagram: @climaterealityatucd
Facebook: @ClimateRealityatUCD
Email: climaterealityatucd@gmail.com
The Green Initiative Fund
TGIF "promotes sustainable development by providing necessary funding to the UC Davis community. TGIF involves and educates students of all backgrounds by empowering them to develop, propose, and enact sustainable projects on campus."
Instagram: @tgifatucdavis
Facebook: @tgif.ucdavis
Email: tgif@ucdavis.edu
Environmental Sustainability Student Coalition
ESSC facilitates more communication and collaboration amongst environmental groups on campus. It will be a central source of knowledge regarding all sustainability projects happening on campus.
Instagram: @ucdavis.essc
Email: eppc@asucd.ucdavis.edu
The Wildlife Society
The Wildlife Society works to "improve wildlife conservation by advancing the science of wildlife management, promoting continuing education of wildlife professionals, and advocating for sound, science-based wildlife policy."
Instagram: @thewildlifesociety_ucd
Facebook: @TWSatUCD
Email: jmturpin@ucdavis.edu
American Water Works Association
The American Water Works Association promotes "the professional success of future environmental engineers and scientists interested in the management and treatment of surface and groundwater resources."
Facebook: @AWWAatUCDAVIS
Email: awwa_officers@ucdavis.edu
Greener Hearts
Greener Hearts provides sources of fresh produce and nutritional education to communities with little access to healthy food options by building and maintaining sustainable gardens and encouraging greener lifestyles.
Instagram: @greenerhearts.davis
Email: greenerhearts.davis@gmail.com
Food Recovery Network
The Food Recovery Network helps "feed the community and reduce food waste" by collecting leftover food from the campus dining commons and retail markets.
Instagram: @foodrecoverynetworkatucd
Facebook: @FoodRecoveryNetworkatUCDavis
Email: foodrecoverynetworkatucd@gmail.com
Environmental Toxicology Club
The Environmental Toxicology Club is a "social networking club for students interested in Environmental Toxicology to get to know other students and faculty in the Department of Environmental Toxicology.
Facebook: @etoxucd
Email: etoxucd@gmail.com
Marine Science Club
The Marine Science Club "seeks to connect individuals who are passionate about the ocean and raise awareness about marine environmental issues."
Facebook: @MSCatUCD
Instagram: @marinescidavis
Email: marinescidavis@gmail.com
Society for Conservation Biology
The Society for Conservation Biology is "an international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity."
Facebook: @davis.scb
Email: aholmes@ucdavis.edu
Student Selfless Service
The Student Selfless Service offers "different events and activities centered around giving back to the public through environmental projects and assisting the less fortunate."
Instagram: @studentselflessservice
Facebook: @StudentSelflessService
Email: sssucdclub@gmail.com
Outdoor Crew
The Outdoor Crew is "a club at UC Davis where students can meet another outdoor enthusiast, go on trips, rideshare, loan gear, and build a community!"
Instagram: @outdoorcrewdavis
Facebook: @TheOutdoorCrew
Email: odcofficers@gmail.com
Association of Environmental Professionals
The Association of Environmental Professionals "promotes direct student engagement with working professionals in environmental fields, as they prepare to transition from an academic to professional setting."
Instagram: @aepatucdavis
Facebook: @AEPatUCDavis
Email: aepatucdavis@gmail.com
Aggie Trading Post
Aggie Trading Post is "committed to fighting fast fashion by hosting clothing swap events and educating the community about sustainable fashion."
Instagram: @aggietradingpost
Facebook: @aggietradingpostdavis
Email: aggietradingpost@gmail.com
Net Impact Davis
The UC Davis undergraduate chapter of Net Impact brings "together UC Davis undergraduates to design interdisciplinary solutions for today's sustainability issues."
Instagram: @netimpactdavis
Facebook: @netimpactdavis
Email: ucdavis.ug@netimpact.org
American Society of Landscape Architects
SCASLA enhances "students' experiences within the majors, connectivity to the UC Davis and City of Davis communities, networking and professional opportunities, and means of advocating for the profession of Landscape Architecture and related fields."
Instagram: @ucdscasla
Facebook: @ASLAatUCD
Email: ucdavisscasla@gmail.com
CALPIRG "works to educate students on campus about issues that effect them ranging from democracy to public health and the environment, and show them how they can get involved and make a difference on campus, in their community, and the world."
Instagram: @ucd.calpirg
Facebook: @CALPIRGDavis
Email: ngist@calpirgstudents.org
Sustainable Environmental Design Club
The Sustainable Design Club aims to "support those interested in sustainability and design," and welcomes all students interested in "sustainability, building professional skills, growing community, having fun, and exploring."
Instagram: @ucdsedclub
Email: seducdclub@gmail.com
Student Energy
The Student Energy mission is to "build a community of student energy leaders, share cross-disciplinary knowledge about the energy system and take action to accelerate the transition to a resilient, decarbonized and equitable energy future."
Email: ucdavis@studentenergy.org
Strategies for Ecology, Education, Diversity, and Sustainability
UC Davis SEEDS promotes "ecological science in a number of ways" and encourages "underrepresented students to explore the field of ecology."
Instagram: @davisseeds
Email: scperry@ucdavis.edu
Herbicide Free Campus
Herbicide Free Campus is a "group of students passionate about keeping every campus in the country herbicide-free" and work "with groundskeepers on applying alternative solutions to spraying."
Instagram: @herbicidefreecampus
Facebook: @herbicidefreecampus
Email: hello@herbicidefreecampus.org
Hands on the Land
Hands on the Land is founded in the belief that working together can nurture a thriving ecosystem. We coordinate monthly trips to McLaughlin Natural Reserve in Lake County where we work to renew the landscape and learn about the ecosystem through exciting activities such as prescribed burns and naturalist hikes. Our goal is to build a community of passionate land stewards who care about our earth, one another, and the land on which we live and work.
Email: dmoore@ucdavis.edu
Website: https://aggielife.ucdavis.edu/hotl/home/