Sustainability Webinars


This project will create a webinar series to highlight UC Davis sustainability efforts. The series is an attempt to spread awareness and educate students about the sustainability measures UC Davis has taken and continues to take to make the campus the most sustainable U.S. ​The webinars will discuss what projects UC Davis is currently working on to further sustainability goals. 

Webinar Format

The webinars will be discussion-based, and will utilize Mural (a discussion board tool) to imbed presentation slides so participants can look through the information, ask questions, and make comments at their own pace. The webinars will be hosted on Zoom during Spring Quarter.

Webinar Content

There will be four webinars. The first will be an introductory webinar outlining the basics of the Office of Sustainability and the sustainability categories UC Davis is working towards. The second webinar will cover energy, green buildings, and transportation. The third will discuss agriculture, food, and land. The fourth will cover waste reduction, water reduction, climate, and will include a conclusion to the webinar series.


Email the Webinar Team